TIMES: Saturday 1:00 - Sunday 9:00 am
& 1:00 pm
For 5 Person Teams the time will be 9:00 am & 1:30
pm Shifts may be added or
deleted as necessary.
TO QUALIFY FOR THEeliminations you must bowl
40 strings in the Open Events. (Singles, Doubles,
Mixed Doubles, Mixed Teams and Teams or Optional tournament)
If a bowler bowls 50 strings,
the computer person will drop either both 5 strings
totals or a 10 string total, whichever is lower.
All bowlers must name their
house when buying their M.S.C.B.P.A. card. Bowlers
must bowl at least one Adult League in that house.
You must complete at least 2/3 of the league season.
All Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Mixed Teams and Teams
will come from the same house.
All participants must wear a bowling shirt with the
house logo of their Center. It may be collared or
a tee-shirt. All clothes must be neat, clean and presentable.
No sweat pants, spandex or cutoffs. No hats, caps
or visors. No tank tops or muscle shirts. Dress shorts
will be permitted. Improper dress will automatically
cause disqualification.
UN-SPORTSMAN LIKE CONDUCT:Any participant attempting
to damage any bowling equipment by his/her actions
or using conduct that is disruptive to the proper
administration of any event sponsored by the M.S.C.B.P.A.
shall receive a warning on the first offense, and
a zero shall be given for that frame. If a bowler
commits a second offense of the above, he or she shall
be pulled from the event and suspended, and a zero
shall be given for that frame. A dummy score (average
minus 10) shall be used on all Teams for the suspended
bowler. Third offense will receive a written warning
and inability to bowl the next stop. In any case where
damage occurs by the result of the above to any equipment
in host lanes, full restitution must be made for all
damages. Bowlers failing to make restitution shall
be suspended from bowling in any M.S.C.B.P.A. Inc.
sponsored event until restitution is made.
FOR ALL BOWLERS CALLED IN. Cancellations can be made
no later than Monday prior to the scheduled event.
If a cancellation has not been made by that time,
the bowler owns that spot and must pay the full amount
of the entry fee if he/she does not show up. If the
spot can be filled by the Tournament Director prior
to the schedules event, the bowler will then be relived
of the responsibility of paying for that spot. The
Director shall maintain a Stand-By list.
These tournaments are open
to any bowler who has a current membership card in
the M.S.C.B.P.A. and must be shown upon request of
the Tournament Director. Cost of the membership is
$10.00 and shall be payable upon signing up for your
initial tournament. A new bowler entering a Tournament
for the first time must have at least 30 league strings
in a member house.
All entries are to be called
in by the bowler's proprietor. It is still the bowler's
responsibility to know his or her time.
Bowlers pay the Proprietor
of the house in which the tournament is held for each
The Proprietor shall be
the supervisor and representative of the M.S.C.B.P.A.
for all sponsored tournaments.
All tournaments will be
governed by the I.C.B.A. Rule Book.
Once a lane has been drawn
by a bowler, there will be no changing of lanes. NOTE:
Lane drawings will be held 1/2 hour before schedules
flight time. If a bowler is not on hand for drawing,
a lane will be assigned to late bowlers. LATE COMERS:
Bowlers failing to show up before the Director fills
in the open slots by moving bowlers around prior to
starting must forfeit their entry fee unless an opening
is available on a later flight. Late bowlers can not
bowl once a ball has been rolled in that flight.
Flight scheduling will be done on a "First
Come-First Serve" basis.
All prize money will be mailed out by the M.S.C.B.P.A.
Treasurer to the winners upon verification of all
Prize money will be distributed according to the
number of entries in each event.
If a tie occurs for any position, high single or
team single will be used to break all ties.
Flights may be added or cancelled depending on the
number of entries at the discretion of the Tournament
Only 20 bowlers qualify for the Eliminations. The
first round pairing will be determined by the M.S.C.B.P.A.
schedule. First two rounds will be 5 strings matches.
All other rounds will be 10 string matches. Ties for
any position will be broken by high 10 string total.
Bowlers may bowl just for strings if it is totally
impossible to find bowlers to bowl within a given
event. This is not to be abused and must be accepted
by the M.S.C.B.P.A. Board.