The M.S.C.B.P.A
is administered by the Proprietors of Bowling Centers within
the State of Maine who are interested in promoting and organizing
the sport of candlepin bowling. The M.S.C.B.P.A promotes,
organizes and conducts tournaments for the members of the
Association. The M.S.C.B.P.A is dedicated to maintaining the
sport of Candlepin Bowing’s integrity and popularity.
It provides quality programs and leadership to enhance its
members' enjoyment, pride, and involvement in the sport. The
M.S.C.B.P.A is committed to the principles of Sportsmanship.
The M.S.C.B.P.A works with its Member Centers
and bowlers to promote bowling and encourage increased participation
in the sport of within the State of Maine. Every effort will
be made to continually put information that bowlers would
like to see on the Web site. To accomplish this goal, we need
and value your feedback. Please use this E-Mail
link or one of those listed on the contact
us page to let us know how we can serve you better.