A new bowler
is assigned an ID number and given a starting average
based on their highest league average for 30 or more
strings in the bowling center where they purchased their
Association Membership Card. The bowler is given a theoretical
50 strings at that average. Each time the bowler bowls
in an APH, Senior, Open, or Pro Tour event the oldest
strings are dropped and the new ones added. The new
total is divided by 50 to compute the new average.
For bowlers participating in the
APH spring finals a different method is used for adjusting
a bowler's average. This is due to the fact that all
strings are bowled in the same house, bowled in a short
time frame, not all houses score the same, and if a
bowler bowls in all the events (40 strings) his average
would nearly be an average for that house. Therefore,
the bowler's total score for the APH spring finals is
divided by the total number of strings bowled in the
spring finals. This average is multiplied by 10 and
used as 1 ten string event in figuring their new average.
SANDBAGGING: If a bowler bowls more
than 40 pins lower than his average in a 5 string event
or 80 pins in a 10 string event the score to compute
their average is based on their average multiplied by
the number of strings bowled minus 40 in 5 string events
or minus 80 in a 10 string event.
As long as a bowler bowls in at
least one event each year their average is carried over
from year to year. If they don't, their names are dropped
from the computer. If they participate again then they
are given a new ID number and starting average like
a new bowler. The averages are only changed at the end
of each month due to the many events each month and
because bowlers can participate in more than one event
each month.